International Justice (Meždunarodnoe pravosudie) is a new Russian language law journal, established by the Institute for Law and Public Policy’s experts group in 2011. Its goal is doctrinal analysis of the international judicial mechanisms, including their institutional framework and case-law.
The journal publishes analytical articles on topical issues of international justice, and case notes on the most important decisions of international courts and tribunals, including the International Court of Justice, the European Court of Human Rights, the International Criminal Court. The journal explores the roots and historical development of international justice. Russian translations of international judicial decisions, and interviews with influential representatives of international justice world are published in the journal.
The journal aims at maintaining a fruitful and informative discussion of the international judicial institutions work, as the institutions are capable of making the contribution to the theory and practice of international law. The discussion is lead in Russian, which is one of the most underused official languages of the United Nations. The emphasis is made on the comparative analysis of the case-law of two and more international courts and tribunals that operate in the same international law areas, such as regional human rights courts, UN treaty bodies and international and hybrid criminal tribunals.
Since 1 December 2015 by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation decision, the journal was included in the List of leading reviewed scientific journals and publications, which should be published in the main scientific results of dissertations on competition of a scientific degree of doctor and candidate of Legal Studies.
The journal also includes materials on educational projects in the field of international law and relevant student moot court competitions.
The Journal is divided into four sections: PRAXIS – SCRIPTORIUM – PERSONALIA – ACADEMIA. Special issues may also include such sections as SIMPOSIUM and TRIBUNA.
PRAXIS section is devoted to the recent cases in the International Criminal Court, the European Court of Human Rights, and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and other international judicial bodies.
This section includes the following subsections:
- Res Judicata: case notes;
- Ex Officio: dissenting opinions of judges and authoritative comments.
SCRIPTORIUM section comprises analytical articles on theory and practice of international justice, and illustrates current scientific debates in Russia and abroad.
This section includes the following subsections:
- Justicia: international justice and judicial system;
- Jus Gentium: public international law and inter-state disputes;
- Jus Hominum: human rights and international justice;
- Jus Commune: the European law and the law of communities;
- Lex Mercatoria: international economic law and private international law;
- Jus in Bello: international humanitarian law;
- Jus Criminale: international criminal law;
- Opinio Juris: international justice and national case-law compared;
- Forum Incognita: an international forum or Tribunal;
- Historia: a historical review on international justice.
PERSONALIA section contains the interviews with prominent scholars and practitioners. The section may also comprise academic reviews and the excerpts from legal classics (reprinted).
This section includes the following subsections:
- Persona Grata: personality in international justice;
- Ex libris: legal classics and the translations of foreign writings;
- Liber Amicorum: anniversaries and commemorative dates;
- In Memoriam: into memory of.
ACADEMIA section is devoted to the legal education, particularly, international law educational programs and competitions.
Section includes part:
- Conventus Academici: academic community, meetings, conferences, symposiums;
- Schola: legal education, dissemination of the information about international justice;
- Librorum: book reviews and opinions.
The Journal appeals to practicing lawyers, teachers and students. It will be particularly useful for judges and other judicial officials.
The journal is also distributed in electronic form by email subscription.
Publisher: Center for Constitutional Studies Ltd.
Address: 129090, Moscow, Shchepkina St., 8
Founder: O. Sidorovich
Information about the public registration of the periodical
Frequency: 4 issues per year
Volume: 160 pages
ISSN 2226-2059
e-ISSN 2541-8548