Available in Russian
Author: Alexander Nurik
DOI: 10.21128/2226-2059-2023-1-58-93
Keywords: right to strike; freedom of association; International Labour Organization; international labour standards
This article researches the right to strike’s position in the international labour standards system of the International Labour Organization. Discussion of the right to strike, which has been going on in the ILO since 2012 and also took place during the 110th Session of the International Labour Conference in 2022, makes it necessary to revisit the question of the place of this right in the standards system of the ILO. The objective of this work is to provide a detailed review of the application of the right to strike in ILO acts and documents at different stages of the organization’s activities and in the context of the development of international labour standards and supervisory mechanisms of the ILO. The article shows the historical dynamics of the formation and development of approaches to the right to strike in the ILO, drawing on official documents of the organization and its various bodies, including supervisory ones. The author’s sources include, inter alia, ILO documents which are little studied in the scientific literature.
About the author: Alexander Nurik – Director of the Center for Social and Labour Rights (CSLR), Moscow, Russia.
Citation: Nurik A. (2023) Priznanie prava na zabastovku v sisteme norm Mezhdunarodnoy organizatsii truda [Recognition of the right to strike in the standards system of the International Labour Organizatio93]. Mezhdunarodnoe pravosudie, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 58–92. (In Russian).
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