Available in Russian
Author: Sergey Marochkin
DOI: 10.21128/2226-2059-2024-2-95-118
Keywords: international courts; international and domestic judicial regulation; Eurasian Economic Union; Union Court; court of Eurasian integration for human rights protection; SCO; Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation; Supreme Court of the Russian Federation; arbitration courts; courts of general jurisdiction
The Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993 outlined the place and role of the normative basis of international law — the generally recognized principles and norms of international law and the Russian Federation’s international treaties — in the country's legal system. The Constitution does not speak of the role and significance of individual and law enforcement decisions of interstate bodies and courts in this system. Primary attention is traditionally given to normative instruments (norms and treaties) in the practical interaction between international and domestic law as well. At the same time, acts of international courts and bodies are becoming increasingly important in the judicial activity of the country. They entered legal life in a relatively short modern period, with the inclusion of Russia in the European human rights protection system and the jurisdiction of the European Court of Human Rights. With the development of the Eurasian partnership, integration law is acquiring a supranational character, especially with the establishment of the Eurasian Economic Union and its Court. It has long been recognized that law and legal regulation in general are developed not only by legislative and executive authorities, but also, to a significant and growing extent, by courts. Decisions of international courts will obviously be more often taken into account and used in judicial decisions along with normative documents (treaties). References to them will form part of the reasoning of domestic courts when justifying their decisions. We can talk about a shift in the roles of international legal instruments from norms to decisions of a supranational court in the legal life of the country. Hence, the expediency of studying the role of decisions of the EAEU Court in the Russian judicial practice is obvious. The research was carried out on the basis of analysis and generalization of an extensive list of acts of Russian courts related to appeals to decisions of the Court. The article evaluates the possibility of creating a court of Eurasian integration for the protection of human rights. The results provide grounds for formulating general conclusions and noting trends in the development of integration processes through the interaction of interstate and national justice.
About the author: Sergey Marochkin – Professor, Doctor of Sciences in Law, Tyumen State University; Tyumen, Russia.
Citation: Marochkin S. (2024) Mezhdunarodnoe pravo v rossiyskoy pravovoy sisteme: ot norm k resheniyam suda evraziyskoy integratsii [International law in the Russian legal system: from norms to decisions of a court of the Eurasian integration] Mezhdunarodnoe pravosudie, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 95–118. (In Russian).
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