Development of private international law in the field of the intellectual property: experience of international harmonization

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Author: Svetlana Krupko

DOI: 10.21128/2226-2059-2023-4-127-149

Keywords: private international law and intellectual property; international unification and harmonization of private international law; applicable law; international jurisdiction; recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments; non-state regulators; private law codifications; ALI-Principles; CLIP-Principles; Transparency-Principles; WASEDA-Principles; Kyoto Guidelines on Intellectual Property and Private International Law


The international treaty unification of private international law in the field of intellectual property remains problematic for more than half a century. Unresolved disagreements among states on conflict-of-laws issues, international jurisdiction, the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgements in civil and commercial intellectual property disputes, which have arisen in the development of instruments for the international unification of private international law, have served as an impetus for studying the interaction of private international law and intellectual property law at both vertical and horizontal levels. At the international level, the development of private international law in the field of intellectual property has shifted towards a method of harmonization. This article examines the experience of international intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations and the expert community in international, universal and regional harmonization of private international law within the intellectual property domain. Special attention is given to the study of non-state regulators, a comparative legal analysis of theoretical foundations and principles governing creation, structure, scope, functional purpose and content of private legal codification specially designed for application in the field of intellectual property. The research results in the following conclusions: in the regulation of private relations concerning intellectual property, which are complicated by a foreign element, there is a transition from fragmented regulation of private law questions to the complex and systemic regulation of the main categories of legal relations in the field of the intellectual property. This includes relations of intellectual rights in rem, contractual obligations and non-contractual obligations, arising from infringement and unfair competition, and extends to both the substantive aspects, addressing conflicts of laws, and procedural aspects. The development of private international law in the field of intellectual property reflects a broader trend in private international law towards specialization in conflict-of-laws and procedural regulation of cross-border relations. The formulation and application of choice-of-law rules and international jurisdiction rules are based on the close link between private relationships and the law of respective states. The identification of a such a link involves consideration of the conflict-of-laws interests of specific and potential parties to the legal relationship, societies and states. Additionally, significant conflict-of-laws values are carefully weighed in this process as well.

About the author: Svetlana Krupko – Сandidate of Sciences (Ph.D.) in Law, Associate Professor, Senior Researcher Fellow, Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Arbitrator, International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia.

Citation: Krupko S. (2023) Razvitie mezhdunarodnogo chastnogo prava v sfere intellektual’noy sobstvennosti: opyt mezhdunarodnoy garmonizatsii [Development of private international law in the field of the intellectual property: experience of international harmonization]. Mezhdunarodnoe pravosudie, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 127–149. (In Russian).


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