Available in Russian
Author: Mikhail Galperin
DOI: 10.21128/2226-2059-2023-4-3-16
Keywords: international dispute resolution; judicial ethics; conflict of interest; standards of conduct; rules of international tribunals
This article evaluates from a legal perspective the current mode of and prospects for regulating the professional conduct of participants in international judicial and arbitration tribunals (interstate, investment, commercial). Taking into account the increasing attention paid in recent years to the moral character of those in power, in the context of the revival of the so-called global “new ethics”, issues of professional conduct have acquired key importance. Considering the traditional leading role of international justice in promoting universal standards for the protection of human rights and for proper behavior of state officials, in countering unethical and unscrupulous behavior, and in the overall professionalization of the system of resolving the growing number of international and cross-border disputes, it is important to assess whether international jurisdictional bodies are themselves models of ethical behavior. There is a shortage of domestic research in this area. Having analyzed a number of well-known historical and fresh examples in the practice of international justice as well as the views expressed in foreign literature, the author comes to the conclusion that the professional ethical standards of conduct for judges, arbitrators, and representatives of the parties have not changed significantly over time, but the problem of actual compliance with these standards has become increasingly acute. Until now, there have been no universal and legally binding documents that comprehensively regulate the relevant issues, despite the fact that compliance with ethical standards for judges, arbitrators, professional representatives (government agents and external advisers), experts, and judicial personnel directly affects assessments of the validity of awards and their enforceability. Compliance also affects the credibility of the international dispute resolution system as a whole. As a result, the article concludes by considering, from the perspectives of legal, political, and other factors, possible models of regulation of the relevant issues at the global level, both in terms of form (i.e., their sources) and content (i.e., their approaches to the drafting of ethical rules), while also considering the interests of Russia as a participant in international processes.
About the author: Mikhail Galperin – Doctor of Sciences in Law, Master of Laws, University of London, Professor of International Law, Faculty of Law, Head of the Chair of International Justice, Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia.
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