Legal argumentation in the case law of the EAEU Court

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Author: Ekaterina Diyachenko

DOI: 10.21128/2226-2059-2024-1-41-55

Keywords: legal argumentation; judicial interpretation; precedent; EAEU Court; norms and principles of international law; judicial dialogue


Legal argumentation plays a key role in ensuring the effectiveness and relevance of case law. In an integration union the effect of a judicial act on its application by Member States and union bodies depends on the argumentation’s depth and persuasiveness. This is especially important for the Eurasian Economic Union Court’s advisory opinions, which, contrary to its judgments, only possess res interpretata. An overview of the EAEU Court’s case law demonstrates that in its judgments and advisory opinions the EAEU Court primarily uses common methods of argumentation derived from traditional methods of interpretation. It relies essentially on linguistic and systemic arguments, with little use of teleological arguments, argumentum a contrario, or effet utile. These linguistic arguments often form the rationale in support of legal positions that other integration courts formulate exclusively using arguments based on the aims of the founding treaty or the useful effect of the legal norm. The EAEU Court’s case law contains several examples of legal comparativism, which serve as predicates for the formulation of concepts that did not exist in EAEU law. This type of argumentation allows the establishment of autonomous legal notions, applicable exclusively in the process of interpretation of integration law. The study also shows instances of legal argumentation based on norms and principles of international law. In the early stages of its functioning the EAEU Court had a propensity for using argumentation based on judicial dialogue, with numerous references to the acts of other integration courts. An analysis of the EAEU Court’s judgments and advisory opinions allows the author to conclude that, with the accumulation of its case law, the EAEU Court focused more on its own legal findings, leading to an increased used of precedents. The role of precedent as a source for legal argumentation of the EAEU Court’s acts lies in the fact that it is aimed not only at strengthening the legal reasoning of the judgment in a specific case, but also at formulating the content of a legal norm which, in the Court’s interpretation, might become an instrument for solving future cases. Precedent ensures the consistency and predictability of case law as well as its continuity. Departure from precedent necessitates a detailed explanation which can take the form of reference to different factual circumstances or of elaboration of a new line of reasoning.

About the author: Ekaterina Diyachenko – Canditate of Sciences (Ph.D.) in Law, Counsellor to a Judge of the Eurasian Economic Union Court, Minsk, Belarus; Senior Researcher of the International Law Sector of the Institute of State and Law, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia.

Citation: Diyachenko E. (2024) Argumentatsiya v aktakh Suda Evraziyskogo ekonomicheskogo soyuza [Legal argumentation in the case law of the EAEU Court]. Mezhdunarodnoe pravosudie, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 41–55. (In Russian).


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