The editorial board invites Russian and foreign authors for the publication of articles, reviews and commentaries, which correspond with the content of the journal.
We publish articles, reviews, commentaries and other materials which can become the basis for a fruitful discussion and independently contribute to the theory and practice of international and national justice.
To submit your paper, you can use our online form (in Russian):
The editorial board carries out active cooperation with all interested parties on sharing the knowledge about theory and practice of international bodies of justice.
Only previously unpublished original materials – scientific, practical or review articles, as well as book reviews and articles relevant to the topic of the journal may be accepted for the publication.
The basic requirements for the content of the copyrighted materials are: coverage of relevant theoretical issues or practical problems, the logical structure of a statement and proposed solutions, well-grounded conclusions, the obligatory presence of scientific apparatus and bibliographical references.
Registration conditions of copyrighted material
Copyrighted material should be sent to the editorial board comprising the following elements: information about the author/compiler, the title of the material (article, review), abstract and key words (in Russian and English), the original of the author’s text (including possible applications – spreadsheets, charts, diagrams etc.).
Author’s material generally consists of 3000 to 7000 words (5-25 pages). The editorial board reserves the right to deviate from the requirements concerning the amount of the text in case of the overall high quality of the material and its value for the journal. The text should be provided in MS Word format: page margins 2.5 cm, font Times New Roman; size 12; 1.5 spacing.
Author can use italics and bold in his text for the highlighting. The spelling of foreign words is given with the indication of the abbreviated name of the language in italics, usually in parentheses, except for references to the literature.
Information about the author/compiler (in Russian and English) consists of the following elements: surname, name and patronymic (if any); academic degree, academic title; the position or profession; place of work and/or study, including a unit (department, faculty); contact information (electronic mail or other means of rapid communication for stating the contacts in the journal and on the website of the publisher – Center for Constitutional Studies).
Abstract (in English) of about 250-270 words must uncover the task, the main results and conclusions, and be placed directly after the name of the material and the author’s name. When writing an abstract, avoid using abbreviations and acronyms.
Key words (in Russian and English) are selected from the main text of the manuscript (no more than 8 words in the nominative case or short phrases) and made as a separate line after the abstract.
Bibliographic references
Original articles are accompanied by bibliographic references on each page (Union-State Standards 7.05.-2008). All footnotes should be of continuous numbering; a footnote reference in the text of the article should precede the punctuation mark; 10 PT; line spacing – 1; Times New Roman font.
Footnoted references can also contain commentaries and notes. The author/compiler is responsible for the accuracy of the information, the accuracy of citations, the relevance of links to official documents and other sources.
References to the literature sources should contain surname and initials of the author (the text is typed in italics) and/or statement of responsibility (editors, compilers, translators, etc.); the full title of the book, journal or collection; place of publication or name of the publishing house; year of publication; volume number, part or the issue; page(s) numbers. When the references to the literature are repeated, it is possible to state “Op. cit.”, «Указ. Соч.» etc. When the reference is repeated for the second time and more reference by reference on the same page, then it is possible to state “Ibid.” with adding the number of the page, if needed. When using a complex footnote, it is needed to state the sources in the alphabetical order and divide the sources with a semicolon. In the case when the borrowed text is used without the quotation marks, the colon should be put after the following signs «См.: / См., например: / См. также:/ Подробнее об этом см.:». If the text is cited not by the primary source of the information but by the other one, then in the beginning of the reference there should be put «Цит. по:» or «Приводится по:» with the name of the source.
References to the decisions of international and foreign judicial authorities must indicate the body or institution that made the decision and the number of the decision in accordance with the system of the documentation of the court/tribunal. It is possible to use abbreviations or the shortened versions of the names of the bodies or the institutions (in the foreign language or in the official translation). There should be a source of publishing or authors editing when using the translation of the decision in the text. For example: “International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY)”. If there is a published translation of the decision, it is recommended to state its source.
For example (monographs/article collections):
1. Тункин Г. И. Теория международного права / Под общ. ред. Л. Н. Шестакова. М.: Зерцало, 2009.
2. Bassiouni M. Ch., Ferencz B. B. The Crime Against Peace and Aggression: From Its Origins to the ICC // International Criminal Law / Ed. by M. Ch. Bassiouni. 3rd ed. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2008. Vol. I. P. 207–242.
It is recommended to place the court decisions according to the following formula:
[Court Action]. [Name of case (defendant/s)]. [(Case No.)]. [Acting body]. [Date of Judgment]. [Paragraph citation].
For example:
International Court of Justice. Corfu Channel (United Kingdom v. Albania). Judgment of 9 April 1949 // I.C.J. Reports. 1949. P. 18.
References to the journal articles and abstracts:
1. Ковлер А. Сцилла и Харибда Европейского Суда: субсидиарность или правовой активизм? // Сравнительное конституционное обозрение. 2010. № 6 (79). С. 90-98.
2. Зимненко Б.Л. Применение норм международного права в судебной системе Российской Федерации: Автореф. дис. … канд. юрид. наук. М., 1999.
3. Buergenthal T. Proliferation of International Courts and Tribunals: Is It Good or Bad? // Leiden Journal of International Law. 2001. Vol. 14. No. 2. P. 267–275.
References to electronic sources (electronic documents, databases, portals, websites, web pages, etc.) are given by the title or author of the publication followed by the abbreviation URL (Uniform Resource Locator) and the actual address of the source, where the publication is posted. After the electronic address date of access to an electronic resource should be indicated: number, month and year in parentheses (for example, date of access: 01.01.2013).
For example:
Dörmann K. International Humanitarian Law and the Protection of Media Professionals Working in Armed Conflict. URL: http://www.icrc.org/eng/resources/documents/article/other/media-protection-article-.htm (дата обращения:11.11.2011).
References to the normative acts and international treaties should contain bibliographical information on the quoted, discussed or mentioned in the text official document. The type of the document, the date when it was accepted, its given number, its full name and the name of the official publication source (including the official Internet-portal of legal information: http://pravo.gov.ru/), the year of publishing, the number of the issue or date of publishing («Российская газета», «Собрание законодательства Российской Федерации», «Парламентская газета», «Бюллетень международных договоров», СПС «Гарант» и др.) must be stated in the reference.
References to the international treaties should contain the full name in Russian (if there is no official translation – in official language in parentheses). Acts of international organizations should contain the full name in Russian, the date of adoption and the name of the adopting organization or body as well as the information about the publishing of the document.
All the materials made in accordance with the presented rules are being reviewed as stated in the order of review of the materials submitted to the editorial board of the International Justice journal. Particularly, the editorial board reserves a right to reject the publication of the material regarding the results of the review. In case when the material is rejected, the editorial board may send the explained refusal at the request of the author. The procedure of the review as well as the publishing of the material is free of a charge.
Subsequent publication
For the subsequent publication of the material in other editions, the reference to the primary publication in the International Justice journal (the name of the journal, issue, year, pages) is necessary.
Additional information
Editorial board of the International Justice journal:
129090 Moscow, Schepkina str., 8
Phone: (495) 608-69-59